What a challenging year it’s been! The world we once knew seems a distant memory and the future is uncertain, but this time will pass.

It’s said ‘a picture paints a thousand words’, however the story it tells will differ according to the lens through which you view the world. When you look at the picture to the right what do you see? How do you feel?

I see joy, hope, and resilience.  Throughout history the white and yellow daisy has been the symbol of childlike innocence, new beginnings, love and harmony.

When I reflect back to this time last year I remember being asked “What one key word sums up your goal for 2020.” My answer was “connection”. I set the intention to connect with the ocean and invite friends to supper at least once a month, build stronger connections with my family and make new connections.

The year got off to a flying start. Then came Lockdown and the first two intentions disappeared over night, as did my main source of income and therefore in person connection with my clients.

Change is inevitable and essential for our growth and evolution. When enforced it’s harder to accept and cope with. However to quote Charles Darwin:

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change”.  


I believe this year has gifted us an opportunity to:

  • pause and re-evaluate our lives
  • re-align with our core values
  • recognise the fragility and impermanence of life
  • appreciate the simple things

The Christmas period is generally viewed as a time to pause, reflect and celebrate our successes over the past 12 months, and make plans for the future. This year it would be tempting not to look back and may well be difficult to imagine the future amid so much uncertainty. However, it’s more important than ever that we use this time to review our achievements, consider the challenges we’ve faced, and how we can adapt our learning to ensure a brighter, more peaceful and rewarding future.

I invite you to:

  • recognise and celebrate your achievements in 2020
  • identify what you have learned and consider how that might help you in 2021
  • explore the skills, qualities and strengths you can build on to achieve future goals and overcome challenges

So what of my goal of connection? Well I’ve built stronger connections with:

  • my sister and family in Scotland with weekly calls over WhatsApp. We’ve had to cancel our flight to Scotland this Christmas but we’ll stay connected with a virtual Christmas
  • friends either chatting over the phone or on walks
  • and nature

More importantly I have a stronger connection with my Self. This shows up as:

  • learning to love and accept who I am
  • trusting in my intuition or inner GPS
  • checking in with my body, making sure it gets what it needs
  • going with my energy
  • following my passion

“The relationship with your Self sets the tone for every other relationship you have” Jane Travis.


I believe this is a time of great healing, growth and transformation on a personal and collective level. In order to find peace and thrive with ease and grace we need to ASCEND.

Acknowledge the things we cannot change
Surrender our expectations
Courage to trust our inner GPS
Embrace challenges as opportunities to grow
Nurture and build our resilience
Dream a new world into being

We have a choice to reclaim our power and build a future based on love, collaboration and unity … or succumb to fear, control and inequality. The seeds you sow today will determine your tomorrows.

“It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop“  
Dieter F Uchtdorf.


To find out how I re-wrote my story and how it’s unfolding click here.

As a intuitive life coach I help people find the key to unlock the door from where they are now, to move confidently forward to where they want to be and support them on their journey.

To find out more book a free 30-minute, no obligation Discovery Call here

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