Aromatherapy Treatment Options

Aromatherapy. . .for healing the spirit

Aromatherapy massage combines the highly effective therapeutic properties of essential oils with the power of touch.

Your first appointment will begin with a Wellbeing Review covering your general health, medical history and emotional well being. This information is treated with the utmost respect and so confidentiality is assured.

A blend of essential oils will be carefully selected according to your needs. Your dignity will be protected throughout the treatment by only exposing the area of the body being treated.

You may also receive a blend of oils to take home to use between treatments to give your treatment continuity and maintain the sense of well being.

What are the benefits for you?

Essential oils with sedative, calming, uplifting and antidepressant properties can be used to help:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Clear the mind, improve concentration and memory
  • Encourage relaxation
  • Aid restful sleep
  • Promote a more positive outlook on life

Although aromatherapy’s primary uses are to calm, uplift, detoxify, de-stress and invigorate, the real effects of clinical aromatherapy go far deeper. Some essential oils have therapeutic properties which give them an affinity with specific body systems such as: digestion, reproduction, respiration and circulation.

Other Benefits:

  • Calm the digestive system
  • Boost the immune system
  • Calm skin problems

What is Aromatherapy?

The word ‘aroma’ means fragrance and ‘therapy’ means a treatment designed to bring about a positive change in an individual. Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils by different methods to enhance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It uses pure essences from plants, which may help with common ailments and complement conventional medical treatment in the healing process.

Often referred to as the ‘life force’ of plants, essential oils have a wide variety of therapeutic properties and research has shown they can be stimulating, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, relaxing, calming and uplifting.

The fragrance of essential oils affects our olfactory sense, sending a strong stimulus to the brain where it is analyzed and gives rise to a positive emotional response.

There are many ways essential oils can be used to positive effect outside of a massage. These include:

  • Bathing
  • Gels, lotions and creams
  • Perfumes
  • Compress
  • Diffused into the atmosphere to create a mood

Safe use of essential oils

Essential oils are concentrated, volatile plant extracts that vary in strength due to their naturally occurring individual chemical components. They can enter your bloodstream and should therefore be diluted before being applied to the skin.

Book a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call to discuss your requirements here.


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